Do you drink your tap water?, La mer à v/boire, GAUM, Moncton, NB, 1991. One hour.
Pulling a garbage can of garbage water, moving in slow motion with a projection of the Irving Paper Plant in Saint John projected onto me and the wall.
Lang.Comm.Wear., Impact, Moncton, NB, 1992
Combining a soundtrack about language creation myths (projected onto the street) with how we perceive and communicate based on appearances. Two hours.
Sweet Talk, Galerie Sans Nom, Moncton, NB, 1994
Making ear prints on the floor (with vaseline), covering them with fine golden sand, then blowing the sand off to leave sand impressions of multiple ears.
Contemplations I, video performance, Symposium of Art, Sackville, NB, 1999. 15 mins.
Repetitive singing of a phrase by Thomas Merton, Trappist monk and writer.
Open (two days), fado, Toronto, 2004, 4 hours each day
Sitting and listening, the work was about silence and noise, and paying attention.
photo: Paul Couillard
Out set we, LIVE Biennale of Performance Art, Vancouver, BC (45 mins/voice and original soundtracks) 2005
Short actions about caregiving, loss of ability to communicate, and the destruction of language skills.
It Speaks You, OK. Quoi? A Contemporary Arts Festival, Sackville Music Hall, Sackville, NB & The Third Space Gallery, Saint John, NB (90 minutes/ original soundtracks), 2006.
It Speaks You has three characters who use speech, song, writing and silence in a cyclical attempt to explore language and how we communicate. The Speaker, the Writer and the Webmaker work with language and its social meanings using voice, markings and objects.
hackinthesack (with Ian Crutchley), Cabaret, Symposium of Art, 2006
Improvisation with hacked toys and digital sound editing. 10 minutes
Song Stations, Eco-Arts Festival, Song Stations, 2008 + 2009, two days
This is a performance art work about listening deeply to the natural world, and about singing to it and in harmony with it. Participants were encouraged to vocally interact within the environment using imitation, improvisation and song. EcoFest, Cape Jourimain, NB
TransPlatitudes, with Scott Rodgers, Galerie Sans Nom, Moncton, NB 2009
We each read platitudes that were computer translated back and forth between English and French to some hilarious results as both languages broke down.